Staff Directory

Assistant Professor, Nursing/Simulation Coordinator

Assistant Professor, Director of Information Technology/CIO
Grayson 249

Admin Assistant to Dean of Transfer and Educational Partnerships
200 Bland Hall
(276) 223-4818

Fast Forward G3 Career Coach
205 Grayson Hall
(276) 223-4867

Chancellor Success Coach
WCC at the Henderson
(276) 378-5215

Dental Hygiene and Dental Assisting Program Head
Galax 110

Administrative & Office Specialist, Business Office
209 Bland
(276) 223-4773

Instructor, Physical Therapist Assistant Program
230 Galax Hall
(276) 223-4718

Associate Professor, Biology
121 B Fincastle Hall
(276) 223-4824

Instructor of Plumbing/Electrical Program
(276) 744-4974

Assistant Professor, Psychology
109 Fincastle Hall
(276) 223-4734

Student Support Services Outreach Coordinator
115C Bland Hall

Coordinator of Higher Education in Prison Programs
239 Grayson Hall
(276) 223-4796
Assistant Professor, Practical Nursing
219 Crossroads
(276) 744-4978